Thank you for your interest in attending an upcoming Colosseum Tournament Kickboxing event.
We look forward to seeing you at the events!
Please send a mail to press[@]colosseumkickboxing.com
To start with your press accreditation we need some info. Please provide the following contact information so that we may verify your assignment.
- Event applying for
- Applicant first Name
- Applicant Last Name
- Sports Editor/News Director Full Name
- Name of news outlet
Specify only one category in which you wish to be credentialed :
- Online Writer / Content Editor
- Photographer
- Broadcast videographer
Once your application is complete, please allow Colosseum Tournament 14 complete business days to consider your request.
We do not consider social media or a compilation of photos, videos or articles unrelated to Colosseum Tournament official events as press coverage.
Please note the following:
1. As a working member of the media, please remember to display your credentials at all times while at the event. No complimentary credentials or tickets will be extended to family or guests of the media.
2. Press credential applications should be filled out as soon as possible, and no later than 20 days before event start. No applications will be considered after this date, and walk-up requests will not be granted.
3. Media credentials permit access to designated media areas only. Backstage, athlete workout rooms and roaming access is prohibited. This includes abstaining from personal pictures, asking athletes for autographs and/or to endorse a product or outlet, consuming alcoholic beverage during event, and public displays of partisanship that include cheering for or against any athlete and wearing clothing that represents specific athletes or camps.
4. Video cameras of any type and size are also not allowed in the arena during glory events. Glory reserves the right to confiscate video devices and/or videotape, film and digital disks and to immediately revoke credentials, and have media removed from the event.
5. Misuse of a media credential will result in its immediate loss.
6. Professionalism is to be maintained at all times.
7. Colosseum Tournament reserves the right to approve or deny accreditation. The decision is final and cannot be appealed.